● About Us
Establishment of “Kaya-kalp Peeth” (Science of rejuvenation & Centre for youthfulness) for total health and fitness.
Conducting workshops and training programs on Meditation, Meditation therapies, Yoga, Samadhi Yoga, Various Sadhnas, Tapashcharya and understanding of Spiritual Sciences.
Right System of Education through establishment of Gurukuls(Teacher-Student relationship),Department of Vedic/Occult/Spiritual education system, Colleges and Universities of various faculties for excellence in Educational/Human development.
Economical growth through implementing beneficial units for Mankind Providing employment opportunities to community members & help them not only to sustain their life but also bringing graceful living in the community through various activities like :
H.H.Param Pujaya Maharishi Swami Dhyan Sumananand Sarsawati Ji Maharaj (Pilot Swami Ji)
President & Founder Managing Trustee
Click here to view the Objectives of Trust
Ms.Meera Rawat- Jt Secretary & Jt.Treasurer of Manavsthal Global Foundation Trust
Establishment of Kayakalp Peeth (Rejuvenation Centre for youthfulness) for total health and fitness. See more details about kayakalp Peeth in our reports ahead.
Establishment of Production Units for Ayurvedic and Herbal medicines.
Plantation of Herbal and Ayurvedic medicines.
Establishing Dairy-Farms for Cow-Milk & its products.
Producing food through Organic Farming & Orchards.
Development of Medical Tourism and establishing recreation and sport activity centers for visitors and community.
Establishment of “Gau Mutra”(Cow’s urine treatment) Chikitsa Centers.
Establishment of Hospital for Polio affected Children and disabilities.
Establishment of Human Sperm Bank.
Establishment of Blood Banks.
Establishment of Psychotherapy & Meditation Therapy Centers.
Establishment of Yoga Training and Panchkarma Therapy.
Establishment of Center to create and administer World’s first “Spiritual University.
Establishment of Institute for Inter -Religious Theological Studies.
Establishment of school of Yoga, Marital Arts & Adventure Sports.
Establishment of Printing Press for creating a Publication House.
Establishment of College of Psychology, Psychiatry, and Human Behaviour Sciences.
Establishment of centers for Information Technology, Computer Sciences, Nano-technology, Bio-Technology & Genetic Engineering.
Establishment of Research Centers on Ayurveda and Herbal Medicines to cure Diabetes, Cancer, Aids, Hepatitis, Dengue,Swine Flu etc.
Future Plans
Spiritual Mall
Colleges of Psychology, Psychiatry and Human Behavior Sciences
Old- Age Homes
All faiths Religious Temple
Center for Information Technology, Computer Science, Nano-Technology, Bio-Technology ,Genetic Engineering, Artificial Intelligence cum Robotics etc
Psychotherapy and Meditation Therapy Centers
Center for Alternative/Natural sources energies
Hospital for Polio affected children and disability
Production units for Ayurvedic and Herbal Medicines
Producing food through organic farming
Yogic food Restaurants
Production of HERBAL DIESEL
Institute of Women’s Empowerment
Orphanage Homes
Plants/Animals/Birds century
Medical/Spiritual tourism
International center for communication and network
Floating Hermitage
Publishing of Spiritual Magazines/News-Papers/Spiritual-Health TV Channels etc.
Establishment’s of a Aircraft/Helicopter Flying Schools -Helipads-Runway-ATC-Hangers etc
1100 Acres Land in Hills in Almora in Uttarakhand say @ INR Rs.100 lakhs per Acre Rs.1100 crores
50,00,000+ Sq.ft. Built up area say @ Rs. 2000 per sq.ft.— Rs.1000 Crores
Solar Plant/ Wind Energy/ Hydel for 10 Megawatt electricity with Electricity etc – Rs.100 Crores
A/C plants & Machinery, Cooling Towers ,Twenty Generator Sets (50-100 KW each) — Rs.200 Crores
Laboratories/Research/Testing Equipments. — Rs.200 Crores
Development of 100 acres of Herbal Garden/1000 cows dairy -Rs.100 Crores
Herbal Medicines Processing plant —— Rs. 100 Crores
Audio, visual,film studios and International communication centres — Rs.100 Crores
Setting of Specialists/Faculty Dept’s —— Rs.100 Crores
11 Fitness Centres — Rs 100 Crores
Interiors — Rs.500 Crores
Contingency Expenses — Rs.500 Crores
Working capital — Rs.1000 Crores.
International/Regional Centres in Delhi-NCR/ Mumbai-Pune-Goa / Kolkata-Bhubaneswar/ Bhopal-Indore / Hyderabad-Bangalore-Kochi / Dehradun Center — Rs.1000 Crores.
Development of Aircraft/Helicopter Flying school/Two Helipads/3000-9000 Ft runway with ATC facilities- Hangers Etc — Rs.500 Crores
International Centre of Artificial Intelligence & Robotics –100 Crores
Inflation & cost escalation for five years of construction/ Formative period–1000 Crores
Total Project layout has doubled or increased to US $ 3 + billion or Approximately INR 27,000 + Crores by 2027-29 @ current Exchange rate of Rs.90/- per US $ from last 05 years & future 05 years
HH BRAHAMANISITH SMADHISITH Sri Sri Sri Maha Swami Balagangadharanatha Natha,Chunchun Giri Math,Bangalaru
HH Sri Sri Sri Maha Swami Shiv Murthy Sharanu-Bangalaru
HH.Shankaracharya Swami Divyanand Ji Maharaj
HH Sai Kumar Baba Ji-Hyderabad
HH Shankaracharya Swami Raj Rajeshwaranand-Haridwar
BRAHMANISITH.HH Swami Dayanand Saraswati -Coimbatore/Rishikesh
HH Swami Sukhabodhananda-Bangalaru
HH Shri Shri 1008 Kapalik Mahakaal Bhairvanand Saraswati-Delhi
HH Swami Dev Murti Ji Maharaj-Delhi/Yamuna Nagar-Delhi
HH Swami Hari Chaitanya Puri-Rajasthan
HH Swami Chinmayananda,Parmarth,Haridwar Brahmachari Swami Balyogi,Delhi
Late Hon’ble Shri. N.D.Tiwari – Ex. Governor of Andhra-Pradesh & Former
HH Swami Sukhabodhananda-Bangalaru
Central Govt Cabinet Minister/CM of UP/Uttarakhand/Congress Leader.
Hon’ble Sadhvi Uma Bharti – Sadhvi & Politician-Former Cabinet Minister GOI/CM MP-Delhi
Hon’ble Sushma Swaraj – Politician/BJP Leader/Former Cabinet Minister GOI/CM Delhi
Dr.Bhishma Narayan Singh – Congress Leader/Former Cabinet Minister-Governor-Delhi
General J.F.Rodrigues (PVSM,AVSM,VSM,ADC) Retd – Ex. Governor of Punjab & Former Chief of Army Staff of India-Chandigarh
Dr.Karan Singh,World Renowned Philonthropist,Human activist,Chairman ICCR,Former Cabinet Minister,Ambassador to USA,Former Head of State of Jammu & Kashmir-Delhi
Hon’ble Indu Jain – Chairperson Times of India & Philonthropist-Delhi
Hon’ble Pandit Jasraj,Padma Vibhushan,Padma Bhushan,Padma Shri- Renowned Classical Singer-Mumbai
Shri Anup jalota -Padma Shree, Renowened Bhakti Singer-Mumbai
Late Shri Jagjit Singh – Renowened Ghazal Singer-Mumbai
Late Ms.Sri Devi-Film Actress-Mumbai
Sri.Bonny Kapoor-Film Producer-Mumbai
Shri.Sam Verma-Founder Managing Trustee Shri Rukmani Balajee Temple Betul (M.P)
Hon’ble Bodhisattva Swami Anand Arun -“Tapovan, Kathmandu, Nepal”
Hon’ble Dr.Mufti Mohammad – Shahi Immam,Akbari Masjid – Delhi
Captain Gopinath – Ex Chairman Ex Deccan Airways-Bangalaru
Shri.PK Mishra,IAS Ex Chief secretary UP. & former member UPSC-Delhi
Shri.Rajat Sharma – TV Channel & Media Personality-Delhi
Dr Sandeep Marwah – Chairman/President/VC Marwaha Studios/Asian Academy of Film & Television/Media University – Noida(UP)
Ms.Lily Bafandi – Finance & Portfolio Management-Zurich/Switzerland
Hon’ble Lord Rana – Hony Consul of India,Northern Ireland,Vice President,Unicef(UK)
All Patrons are requested to give consent in writing.
Immortal Hon’ble Dr.Abdul Kalam, Bharat Ratna,Padma Vibhushan, Former President of India
Founder Patrons
Hon’ble Justice M.N.Venkatachalaya – Former Chief Justice of India-Bangalaru